We are a leading townscape and heritage consultancy with specialist knowledge of London planning and heritage gained through over two decades of work on complex and sensitive sites in the capital.
We regularly work with a range of development professionals, advising on all types and scales of schemes. We give creative and practical advice to project teams throughout the design process, tending to be involved from the early stages of planning where our advice has the most value and influences the emerging designs.
Townscape + heritage

Our advice is focused on the relationship between old and new buildings and usually results in a Townscape, Heritage and Visual Impact Assessment which forms part of a planning application. Our assessments are based on selected views, historical research, and townscape character analysis.  We assist architects on projects by focusing on the contextual relationship of the designs – how the scheme fits into its environment. Its appearance and effects on views are a large part of that analysis, however spatial, functional and historical connections are also important. Heritage is a key aspect of our advice because London is rich in historic buildings and places, and heritage is an integral aspect of townscape and views in London. There are also statutory duties for local authorities to fulfil relating to the protection of the historic environment which puts further emphasis on the heritage aspects of townscape. We advise on the risks and opportunities relating to heritage and townscape matters on the project, assisting the team to achieve a high quality design and ultimately gain planning approval.

Our work is always highly collaborative. We have established good working relationships with major developers, architects, planners, legal practices and other heritage consultancies, as well as local authority planning and conservation officers, GLA, Historic England and other urban advisers. We work very closely with visualisation firms who prepare the technical visual analysis and verified views which inform our advice and reports.

Our services
Our team

Our team includes architects and conservation professionals with a range of backgrounds and decades of experience of heritage-sensitive London sites. Our expertise stems from our extensive experience, considered approach and strong team culture.  Together we offer clients a highly skilled, knowledgeable and personable service. This means that, while our team is small, we continue to work on some of the most complex sites and ambitious schemes in London.